Journal of Woundcare Handbook

The professional's guide to wound product selection


ActivHeal Silicone Foam Border

ActivHeal Silicone Foam Border

A sterile absorbent dressing consisting of a hydrophilic polyurethane foam pad, without and without a border. The outer layer comprises a pink, low-friction, waterproof, polyurethane film. The perforated, silicone, adhesive wound contact layer enables exudate uptake and prevents the dressing from sticking to the wound.

ActivHeal Silicone Foam Lite

ActivHeal Silicone Foam Lite

A thin, sterile dressing with a trilaminate structure comprising a polyurethane central foam layer; a permeable, low-friction, waterproof polyurethane film; a wound contact layer with a silicone adhesive-coated perforated film. The dressing can be repositioned during wear and lifted to allow observation. Latex-free.

ActivHeal Tracheostomy Foam

A sterile, non-adhesive, absorbent dressing with a versatile fenestration that enables it to fit neatly around a tracheotomy tube. The dressing consists of a soft, conformable, hydrophilic, absorbent, polyurethane foam laminated to a pink, low-friction, waterproof polyurethane film that also provides a bacterial barrier.

Activon Tulle

Activon Tulle

Knitted viscose mesh impregnated with 100% manuka honey


Cohesive retention bandage. Latex-free.



A non-adherent primary dressing comprised of knitted cellulose acetate mesh impregnated with a petrolatum emulsion. Can be cut to size. Can be used with compression therapy.

Adaptic Digit

Adaptic Digit

Non-adherent digit dressing made of a tacky, silicone-coated, open-knit, cellulose fabric with a double-coiled tubular bandage

Adaptic Touch

Adaptic Touch

Non-adherent primary wound contact layer comprising an unique cellulose acetate mesh coated with a soft tack silicone