Journal of Woundcare Handbook

The professional's guide to wound product selection

Compression bandages


Cohesive, inelastic (short-stretch) compression bandage. To be applied after padding (for example with Flexiban or Cellona Undercast Padding).

Actico 2C

A two-component, latex-free leg ulcer kit. Comfort layer 1: a skin-friendly comfort layer made of foam padding with a soft cotton skin-protection layer that is applied directly to the skin to distribute compression evenly and combine well with emollients. Provides graduated compression and protects vulnerable areas. Compression layer 2: an inelastic cohesive compression layer for effective therapeutic compression.

AndoFlex TLC Calamine

Two-layer compression system that offers therapeutical compression and manages skin conditions at the same time. The first layer, infused with calamine, soothes and protects the skin, reducing irritation and maintaining skin integrity. The second layer delivers consistent therapeuticsl compression.



Two-layer (Clinistretch plus Clinistretch Soft) cohesive short-stretch bandage

Coban 2 Compression System

Two thin layers provide the stiffness required to generate sustained working pressures/low resting pressures to reduce oedema/prevent venous reflux without the bulk of traditional bandages. The interlocking layers cohere to each other, creating an inelastic sleeve that conforms to the limb and reduces the potential for bandage slippage and discomfort.

Coban 2 Compression System Kit

Coban 2 Compression System Kit

Two thin layers (purple packaging) provide the stiffness required to generate sustained working pressures/low resting pressures to reduce oedema/prevent venous reflux without the bulk of traditional bandages. The interlocking layers cohere to each other, creating an inelastic sleeve that conforms to the limb and reduces the potential for bandage slippage and discomfort.

Coban 2 Lite Compression System

Designed for reduced compression. Two thin layers provide the stiffness required to generate sustained working pressures/low resting pressures to reduce oedema/prevent venous reflux without the bulk of traditional bandages. The interlocking layers cohere to each other, creating an inelastic sleeve that conforms to the limb and reduces the potential for bandage slippage and discomfort.

Coban 2 Lite Compression System Kit

Two-layer system (green packaging) designed for sustained, therapeutic compression with reduced sub-bandage resting pressures. Comprises a latex-free foam padding layer and a latex-free, cohesive, compression bandage. Once applied, the two layers bond to form a single-layer bandage. Can be worn for up to 7 days.

Coban Self-Adherent Wrap

A cohesive elastic wrap constructed from a non-woven material and elastic fibres. The cohesive properties allow the wrap to stick to itself but not to other materials or skin.

Empress Two

Type 2 light support bandage. Second layer of four-layer compression system. Consists of viscose, nylon and elasticated yarn.



Multilayer, absorbent, non-woven sub-bandage or undercast padding. First layer of four-layer compression bandage system.


Sub-compression bandage padding

Jobst Compri2

Two-layer compression bandaging system. Comprises a padding bandage and a latex-free compression bandage.

Jobst Compri2 Lite

Two-layer compression bandage system. Comprises a padding bandage and a latex-free compression bandage. Applies a compression level of 20–30mmHg at the ankle.

Jobst Comprifore

Four-layer compression bandage kit providing graduated compression of 40mmHg at the ankle. The kit contains four bandages: Jobst Comprifore no. 1, an absorbent padding bandage; Jobst Comprifore no. 2, a light conforming bandage; Jobst Comprifore no. 3, a light compression bandage; Jobst Comprifore no. 4, a flexible cohesive compression bandage.

Jobst Comprifore Latex-free

Four-layer bandage kit providing graduated compression of 40mmHg at the ankle. The kit contains four latex-free bandages: Jobst Comprifore no. 1, an absorbent padding bandage; Jobst Comprifore no. 2, a light conforming bandage; Jobst Comprifore no. 3, a light compression bandage; Jobst Comprifore no. 4, a flexible cohesive compression bandage.

Jobst Comprifore Lite

Three-layer bandage kit providing reduced compression. The kit contains three bandages: Jobst Comprifore no. 1, an absorbent padding bandage; Jobst Comprifore no. 2, a light conforming bandage; Jobst Comprifore no. 4, a flexible cohesive compression bandage.

Jobst Comprifore Lite Latex-free

Three-layer bandage kit providing reduced compression. The kit contains three latex-free bandages: Jobst Comprifore no. 1, an absorbent padding bandage; Jobst Comprifore no. 2, a light conforming bandage; Jobst Comprifore no. 4, a flexible cohesive compression bandage.



Multilayer compression bandage system for the treatment of venous and mixed aetiology leg ulcers. Comprises K-Soft sub-bandage wadding, K-Lite type 2 bandage, K-Plus type 3a light compression bandage, Ko-Flex type 3a cohesive bandage or K-threeC (type 3c providing extra pressure for ankles >25cm). Components are available in longer length for use with larger limbs.



A water-resistant, vapour-permeable, knitted fabric consisting of cotton, acrylic and elastomeric fibres. The fabric is coated with particles of natural latex, which makes it cohesive and enables it to stick to itself. A type 3a bandage.



White knitted fabric consisting of viscose, nylon and elastomeric yarn. A light-blue line runs along the middle of its length to aid 50% overlap when bandaging. Also available in long length. Latex-free.



An absorbent, non-woven, sub-bandage wadding comprising a blend of viscose and polyester. Latex-free.



A lightweight knitted compression fabric composed of viscose, elastane and nylon. The bandage has two-way stretch. Latex-free.

Profore Multi-Layer Compression Bandage System

Multi-layer compression bandage system, consisting of a wound contact layer and a combination of a further three or four bandages. The system is available in a range of configurations to accommodate large diameter ankles and has a latex free formulation.

Rosidal K

Inelastic (short-stretch) compression bandage



Polyamide, elastane and cotton, type 3c long-stretch high-compression bandage


High compression extensible bandage, type 3C

Ultra Four

Latex-free multilayer compression bandage system



Multicomponent compression bandage system that combines elastic and inelastic components. Designed to provide sustained graduated compression for up to 7 days. The first-layer, K-Tech, is a short-stretch (inelastic) bandage that delivers stiffness, absorbency and 80% of the pressure. The second-layer, K-Press, is an elastic, cohesive bandage that keeps the system in place and provides additional compression to achieve therapeutic pressure. The combined effect is designed to provide continuous, consistent and comfortable compression, both when active and at rest.

UrgoKTwo Reduced

UrgoKTwo Reduced

Multicomponent compression bandage system that combines elastic and inelastic components. Provides sustained graduated compression for up to 7 days. The first layer, KTech, is a short-stretch (inelastic) bandage that delivers stiffness, absorbency and 80% of the pressure. The second-layer, K-Press, is an elastic, cohesive bandage that keeps the system in place and provides additional compression to provide therapeutic pressure. The combined effect is designed to provide continuous, consistent and comfortable compression, both when active and at rest. Donates an average pressure of 20mmHg at the ankle. Also available in latex-free.