Journal of Woundcare Handbook

The professional's guide to wound product selection

Altiven Armsleeves

Altiven Armsleeves

Urgo Medical


Stretchy, smooth, soft and lightweight armsleeves for lymphoedema. Provide graduated compression along the entire arm. Latex-free.


Low compression (12–16mmHg): early-onset and mild lymphoedema with minimal or no shape distortion; stable condition; elderly/arthritic patients; pressure-sensitive patients; night maintenance; ISL stage I–II prevention. Class 1 (18–21mmHg): mild lymphoedema with minimal shape distortion; stable condition; long-term maintenance; ISL stage I–II. Class 2 (23–32mmHg): mild to moderate lymphoedema with minimal shape distortion; long-term maintenance; ISL stage II.


Peripheral vascular disease confirmed with an ABPI reading of <0.8; acute or unstable heart failure; ischaemic heart disease/coronary artery disease; untreated cellulitis or phlebitis of the lower limb. Use with caution in patients with diabetes or rheumatoid arthritis.


Five sizes and soft beige or black colours – class 1 (18–21mmHg): price per piece: wrist, £12.44; wrist with grip top, £16.60; mitten, £22.58; mitten with grip top, £26.73; wrist with elbow pocket, £12.44; wrist with grip top and elbow pocket, £16.60; mitten with elbow pocket, £22.58; mitten with grip top and elbow pocket, £26.73; class 2 (23–32mmhg): price per piece; wrist, £13.37; wrist with grip top, £17.52; mitten, £23.50; mitten with grip top, £27.65; wrist with elbow pocket, £13.37; wrist with grip top and elbow pocket, £17.52; mitten with elbow pocket, £23.50; mitten with grip top and elbow pocket, £27.65

More on: Lymphoedema hosiery