Altiform British Standard Made To Measure Compression Hosiery
![Altiform British Standard Made To Measure Compression Hosiery](/media/escpjnze/urgo-altiform-british-standard-made-to-measure-compression-hosiery.png)
Class 1 (light support): superficial or early varices; varicosis during pregnancy; swollen or aching legs and ankles. Class 2 (medium support): varices of medium severity; treatment of venous leg ulcers and prevention of recurrence; mild oedema; varicosis during pregnancy. Class 3 (strong support): gross varices; post-thrombotic venous insufficiency; gross oedema; treatment of venous leg ulcers and prevention of recurrence.
Arterial insufficiency; congestive heart disease; diabetes (except under specialist supervision); rheumatoid arthritis; known sensitivity to the fabric
Available in compression class 1 (14–17mmHg), class 2 (18–24mmHg) or class 3 (25–35mmHg), soft beige or black colour, and open or closed toe – thigh length (pair) £45.29; below knee (pair) £28.33, not on Drug Tariff
More on: Leg ulcer hosiery