Journal of Woundcare Handbook

The professional's guide to wound product selection

KerraLite Cool

KerraLite Cool

Solventum (KCI Medical)


Pro-ionic hydrogel contact layer and fluid-repellent, polyurethane film outer layer. Available in non-adhesive and adhesive options.


Chronic wounds, painful wounds, and skin conditions such as leg ulcers, radiation therapy damage, skin tears, burns and scalds. May be used on low-exuding and non-exuding wounds to assist in autolytic debridement by hydration of necrotic and sloughy tissue and for absorption of exudate.


Full-thickness wounds; heavily bleeding wounds; third-degree burns; or as a covering for deep, narrow cavities or sinuses


Adhesive: 8×8cm, £2.15; 11×11cm, £2.88; 15×15cm, £4.58; non-adhesive: 6×6cm, £1.86; 12×8.5cm, £2.75; 18×12.5cm, £3.96

More on: Hydrogels