Durafiber Ag Pro

Wound dressing with antimicrobial silver and strengthening cellulose fibre. The soft, conformable non-woven fabric is made from sodium carboxymethyl cellulose and strengthening cellulose fibre(s) with antimicrobial silver.
Management of wounds with moderate-to- heavy exudate, including partial-thickness burns, leg ulcers, pressure ulcers and diabetic ulcers, surgical wounds (e.g. post-operative, wounds left to heal by secondary intent and donor/graft sites), traumatic wounds (e.g. abrasions and lacerations). Sutable for wounds that are prone to bleeding, including those that have been mechanically or surgically debrided and donor sites. If required, can be used in conjunction with a suitable moisture-retaining secondary dressing to keep the product in place and/or under compression.
Sensitivity or allergy to dressing and its components
5×5cm, £1.95; 10×10cm, £4.64; 15×15cm, £8.73; 20×30cm, £21.64; 2×45cm, £4.65; 4×10cm, £2.82; 4×20cm, £3.68; 4×30cm, £5.50
More on: Silver