Journal of Woundcare Handbook

The professional's guide to wound product selection

#AOne Silicone Foam

Regen Medical


Comprises a silicone wound contact layer, a superabsorbent pad of polyurethane foam and a vapour-permeable and waterproof polyurethane film


Pressure ulcers; leg and foot ulcers; traumatic wounds; surgical wounds; donor sites; skin tears. The dressing with a border can also be used on dry/necrotic wounds in combination with gels.


Known sensitivity to contents of the dressing


Non-border: 5×5cm, £0.64; 5×7cm, £0.71; 7.5×7.5cm, £0.93; 10×10cm, £1.46; 12.5×12.5cm, £1.83; 15×15cm, £2.89; 20×20cm, £4.38; with border: 7.5×7.5cm, £0.74; 10×10cm, £1.16; 12.5×12.5cm, £1.60; 15×5cm, £2.13; 17.5×17.5cm, £3.05; 20×20cm, £3.95; 23×23cm (sacral), £5.55; 25×23.5cm (heel), £6.16

More on: Foams