Journal of Woundcare Handbook

The professional's guide to wound product selection

Eakin Wound Pouch

Pelican Healthcare


Wound management device consisting of hydrocolloid skin protector and collection bag. Available with fold and tuck closure, or tap closure for connection to remote drainage. Access window will allow instant access to the wound for viewing, dressing or irrigation. This window is already fitted for use on some extra large lines and can be applied to large and extra large sizes.


Management of fistulae, multiple or irregular stomas, high output wounds


Fold and tuck closure: small 45×30mm (×10), £53.00; medium 110×75mm (×10), £76.56; large 175×110mm (×10), £100.11; extra-large 245×160mm (×5), £88.34; bung closure; small 45×30mm (×10), £58.89; small plus 86×60mm (×10), £69.45; medium 110×75mm (×10), £82.45; large 175×110mm (×10), £111.89; large (vertical incision) (×5), £72.64; extra-large (horizontal wounds) 245×160mm (×5), £100.11; extra-large (vertical wounds) 245×160mm (×5), £100.11; extra-large (vertical-incision wounds) 290×130mm (×5), £100.11; extra-large with access window (horizontal wounds) 245×160mm (×5), £111.89; extra-large with access window (vertical wounds) 245×160mm (×5), £109.97; access window: small, £40.79; large, £41.22

More on: Exudate management