Duomed Soft 2Easy

medi UK
Two-piece system comprising anklet and calf sleeve to simplify application and removal of compression stockings. Supplied as pair (2 anklets and 2 calf sleeves).
Class 1: superficial or early varices. Class 2: medium varices; treatment and prevention of venous leg ulcers and associated conditions; mild oedema.
Arterial circulation disorders; right heart failure; massive oedema of the legs; pulmonary oedema; pre-existing gangrenous damage; neuropathy; and/or inability to tolerate the stocking fabric
Colour: sand, black (closed toe). Sizes: S, M, L, XL, XXL, classes 1 and 2, per pair: anklet, £11.41; below knee, £22.82
More on: Leg ulcer hosiery