Journal of Woundcare Handbook

The professional's guide to wound product selection

ReadyWrap Extender Strap



Extender Strap for the easily adjustable inelastic compression system for use on the lower limb. Allows ReadyWrap Calf, Knee and Thigh garments to fit an even wider range of sizes. Latex-free.


For the treatment and/or maintenance of chronic oedema/lymphoedema of the toes. Should be used in conjunction with other ReadyWrap Calf, Knee or Thigh garments.


Arterial insufficiency or ABPI <0.8; congestive heart failure; cancer; untreated infection, such as cellulitis; severe or moderate peripheral arterial disease; neuropathy; allergy to materials


10cm extender strap. Available in beige or black, £19.14

More on: Compression wraps