For the management of chronic oedema, lymphoedema and lymphovenous conditions. Class 1: provides light compression and should be used for early/mild chronic oedema, lymphoedema. Suitable for chronic oedema, lymphoedema, lipoedema, prophylaxis, maintenance therapy, palliative use and patients who are pressure sensitive. Class 2: Provides medium compression and should be used in cases of moderate to severe chronic oedema or lymphoedema. Can be used as part of the treatment and to provide maintenance therapy of chronic oedema and lymphoedema.
For large or irregular shaped limbs, compression bandaging may be indicated until the limb size and shape are suitable for a compression garment. Current acute inflammatory episode. Acute deep vein thrombosis. Fragile or damaged skin, although it may be used over an appropriate dressing. Diabetic patients, unless after specialist referral and under strict supervision. Arterial insufficiency, arterial disease and ischaemia, according to vascular assessment. ABPI of <0.8 or >1.3 unless after specialist referral and under strict supervision and regular follow-up. Congestive cardiac failure as compression could lead to cardiac overload. Peripheral neuropathy. Rheumatoid arthritis. Known sensitivity to the fabric of the stockings.
Available in Class 1 (18–21mmHg) and Class 2 (23–32mmHg). Sizes: S, M, L, XL. Colours: black and natural tan. Styles: below knee closed toe: standard and petite (class 1 and class 2), £28.56; thigh closed toe with regular top band: standard (class 1 and class 2), £54.87
More on: Lymphoedema hosiery