Star Cotton MTO

Haddenham Healthcare
Ready-to-wear circular-knit compression hosiery for the legs. 100% cotton, so suitable for sensitive skin. Available in 10 styles: 3 compression classes; 3 foot lengths; 3 leg lengths; 2 colours; 5 panty options; open or closed toe, standard or extra wide, and footless tights.
Primary class 1 (18–21mmHg) for mild lymphoedema, palliative care; class 2 (23–32mmHg) for moderate lymphoedema; class 3 (34–46mmHg) for severe complex lymphoedema, gross oedema, rebound oedema. Secondary class 1 (18–21mmHg): superficial or early varices; class 2 (23–32mmHg): varices of medium severity; ulcer treatment and prevention of recurrence; mild oedema.
Absolute arterial disease in the legs; severe heart disease; severe infections of the veins. Relative infections of the skin; loss of feeling in the legs; allergy to compression stocking fabric.
Available in compression class 1 (18–21mmHg) or class 2 (23–32mmHg); short, regular or long; and sizes I–VIII – per pair: below knee (open/closed toe), £29.74; below knee with grip top, £36.35; thigh high, £47.53; thigh high with grip top, £54.14; thigh high with waistband, £54.54; per piece: thigh high with waist attachment (left/right leg), £33.05; tights, £53.33; one legged tights (left/right leg), £53.33
More on: Lymphoedema hosiery