Journal of Woundcare Handbook

The professional's guide to wound product selection

Haddenham Fusion

Haddenham Healthcare


Liner designed to be worn with Easywrap leg garment. Features three separate zones, each with compressive functions.


Primary indications—Easywrap Light (20–30mmHg): mild to moderate lymphoedema or oedema; palliative care. Easywrap Strong (30–40mmHg): severe and stubborn lymphoedema or oedema; rebound oedema; primary lymphoedema of long duration. Secondary indications—Easywrap Light (20–30mmHg): control of mild to moderate swelling from venous and other swelling disorders. Easywrap Strong (30–40mmHg): control of moderate to severe swelling from venous and other swelling disorders.


Absolute advanced peripheral arterial occlusive disease; decompensated heart disease; uncontrolled congestive heart failure; untreated septic phlebitis; phlegmasia coerulea dolens. Allergy to any materials used in garment: polyamide; elastane; ionic silver. Relative immobility (confinement to bed); skin infections; support dermatoses; weeping dermatose; incompatibility to fabric (see sewn-in label for details); impaired sensitivity of the limb (e.g. in diabetes mellitus); suppurating dermatoses; primarily chronic polyarthritis; advanced peripheral neuropathy; primary chronic arthritis.


Below knee, XS, S, M, L, XL, £26.84

More on: Compression wraps