Journal of Woundcare Handbook

The professional's guide to wound product selection


Genadyne Biotechnologies


Soft silicone foam dressing manufactured from hydrophilic polyurethane foam, coated with a soft silicone adhesive layer, also available in a bordered ‘all-in-one’ presentation with soft silicone adhesive.


Venous ulcers, diabetic ulcers, pressure ulcers, partial and full-thickness wounds, first and second degree burns, surgical wounds, trauma wounds (abrasions, lacerations and skin tears).


5x5cm, £1.20; 7.5x7.5cm, £1.50; £10x10cm, £1.87; 10x10cm (contoured), £3.60; 15x20cm, £5.35; Bordered: 7.5x7.5cm, £1.35; 10x10cm, £2.10; 12.5x12.5cm, £2.75; 15x15cm, £4.50; 15x20cm, £5.35

More on: Wound contact layers