Journal of Woundcare Handbook

The professional's guide to wound product selection

Askina Carbosorb

Askina Carbosorb

B Braun


Non-adherent superabsorbent dressing combined with an integrated carbon layer to support the management of both malodour and exudate. The superabsorbent pad absorbs and retains a high quantity of liquid. The activated charcoal layer absorbs wound malodour.



Malodorous wound with moderate to heavy exudate, such as diabetic foot ulcer, pressure ulcer, venous leg ulcer, first and second-degree burns, post-operative wounds and traumatic wounds. Change dressing before it is fully saturated. Do not cut.


Primary treatment on bleeding and dry wounds; cavity wounds


10×10cm, £1.62; 10×20cm, £2.31; 20x20cm, £4.98

More on: Odour control